How is your year starting out? We’re into week 2 of 2023 … would love to hear back from you on what are the challenges you’re facing in your Western North Carolina business finances right now. Relatedly, what are your customer service goals for this year?One...
First of all, congratulations on making it through 2022. Pat on the back for sticking with it through the very real ups and the challenging lows. Many of our Western North Carolina clients went through the wringer … others had their best year yet.From a personal...
I don’t know about you, but after the holidays (and I hope yours were filled with good things and happy times with loved ones), I’m always a bit tapped out on the spending. But in true governmental fashion, Uncle Sam is piling it on. Seems like Congress missed...
The 2022 clock is almost at midnight.An end to a still somewhat crazy year — “the crazy” seems like our new normal, post-2020, am I right? There were a lot of challenges this year and they were … exhausting. Keeping up with the changes and adjusting to the economic...